Symfony 2 and capifony are great – together they allow the easy deployment of great web applications. Symfony2.1 switched to composer – another great tool. But unfortunately this switch might result in a problem.
Visible error: Could not open input file: bin/vendors
Reason: capifony is outdated
- cap –version => should be something as v2.13.5
- cap –tasks => does not contain cap symfony:composer: values, has been introduced in capifony 2.2 (?)
Solution: update everything – starting from ruby, capifony and finally: update the Capfile file in your project directory!
Update capistrano and capifony
run gem update in your command line
Check Capfile in your project
The content should be like
load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) # cap2 differentiator require 'capifony_symfony2' load 'app/config/deploy'
If not, rename the file and run capifony . in your project directory.